Indicative Pricing

Consultancy Service Model

The pricing mentioned below are indicative. We strive to be as transparent & economical as possible. The kind of projects we undertake vary widely in their scope and complexity. So, it is infeasible to have one price that tags all. However, keeping the customer's point of view in mind, here we are indicating the prices of our services, which will usually be applicable to moderately complex* projects. Fees for simpler projects will be lesser than these, while it may be higher for more complex ones.

*"Moderately complex" means, the projects that usually involve up to 3 unique parts (components) / processes (operations) / vendors.

We reserve the right to change the fee structure or/and charge a fee that may be different from below, depending on the situation of a specific case. We promise, we will be most frugal and highly transparent in each & every case.

Master Vendor Model:

There is no pre-defined or standard pricing under this module. For sure, pricing will be very competitive and definitely far economical than you get usually from any traditional way.